Brett Owens | Light Provisions

Brett Owens | Light Provisions

Brett is creative and kind. I don't know him well but I do know his candles and they're so good. I've both gifted them and burned them in my own space. I love the combos and they're easy to find, sold at Ladyfingers Letterpress as well as Loyal Coffee and of course popup's along the way. Brett's adoration for his wife and his affinity for her company is evident. During our time together he chats about their anticipation of getting a puppy soon and how they so enjoy where they're at. 
When Brett and I started talking about his photoshoot he suggested introducing his pairings of Light Provisions candles being burned while drinking specific drinks. Beverages that pair well and play off of the fragrance in the room? I love this! Creativity like this intrigues me. I'm excited about these pictures, I'm excited about the questions and the answers! Meet Brett Owens. If you're lucky enough to meet him in person be ready for intentionality and kindness at the forefront. Thanks so much for your time. Cheers to you and Dana! -km

Q: "Whiskey or Bourbon?" - km
A: "Whiskey. Specifically, Canadian." - BO


Q: "What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?" - km
A:  "Waynes World. 1 & 2." -BO

Q: "What part of your career keeps you coming back every day?" - km
A: "The passion that having complete control over a business gives me.  From creating the candles themselves to dreaming products to make and come out with in the future." - BO


Q: "What is one accomplishment that you're most proud of?" -km
A:  "Graduating college, to be honest.  It took me a solid 5 years and every year I felt like I was wadding deeper and deeper into quicksand, unsure of how I would get myself out." -BO

Q: "What would you NOT do for 1 million dollars?" -km
A: "If I had to eat some massive amount of curry.  Like a Chipotle burrito full of just curried chicken.  I don't know if I could.  Even the faintest amounts of curry make me nauseous.  Which is a bummer, because I would like to go to India one day." -BO

Q: "Do you have a word or one big goal for 2018? Do you mind sharing either?" -km
A: "My goal for 2018 is to be more conscious of how much I waste, specifically plastic in my personal life and as a company.  Finding alternatives to plastic that are either reusable, recyclable and or biodegradable are my main goals for the company." -BO


Q: "How did you end up in your career?
A:  "I like to say that it was a fine blend of wanting a hobby where I could make something with my hands, as well as finding a solution to a desperately smelly roommate problem."

Brett's pairings for this round included a rosemary margarita with his rosemary + cedar candle. A Manhattan with the Tobacco + Walnut candle and a Greyhound with his Grapefruit candle. I had fun watching you pair these and talk about the people involved in helping you prepare everything. I appreciate your effort to repurpose the glassware that your candles are poured in and I hope that your business overflows with orders beyond your wildest imagination. Thanks for jumping in on this series! -km


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