Self Care | Colorado Springs Locals
This afternoon I’m thinking about self care. I hosted a poll a few weeks ago and some of you are all about self care and some are curious where we work into the rhythm of our lives. I’m curious about what “self care” mean to you? Is it a A quick push of encouragement toward taking time for yourself during each day. And then once a week a bigger chunk of time. As the world turns and our culture transitions, we can become lost in the pace of all that is required of us.
And it’s okay to take time to care for your body, your mind, your sweet soul. Be intentional. If that’s hard to wrap your head around, then remember that the healthier we are the better versions of ourselves that we can be for the ones around us, who we want to know that we love them and who we want to care for.
Massage. Hands down. Camino. I visit Erin when I go, but I’ve been to almost everyone and they are all skilled. They specialize in Ashiatsu massage and while it is an option, not mandatory, I will say it is the most productive type of massage I’ve ever experienced. It leaves me feeling different without soreness and is completely enjoyable.
Camino Massage on Garden of the Gods
Why we all need facials…
I’ve been having facials done at Veda lately. I visit the University Village location and I really like it. They have a cute fireplace in the back lounge area and it always smells so fresh! I loved the dermaplane facial that I most recently had and I hope to get back for another very soon. I paired that treatment with a coconut enzyme treatment and, well, heaven.
Drinks with friends. Do it. Take some time, tuck your phone away. Be present. Friends give life. It’s healthy for us to be intentional with them. Tea, coffee, water, alcohol, don’t care- just try it.
PC: Élan Photographie Studio for Passport Program
For me, “Self care” is just creating room to breathe. That doesn’t have to look like cucumbers on the eyes or a weekend trip away. It’s leaning into a practice of carving time out of our busy lives to be still, with our thoughts or for our bodies to find rest. Sometimes that’s giving ourselves permission to cuddle up on the couch under a blanket with a massive bowl of popcorn and enjoy the quieting of voices for a while.
Growing up under a generation of people where every minute and movement counts it is good for me to help myself reprogram and be totally okay with the slower pace that isn’t natural for me. How do you feel about self care? I’d love to hear your favorite ways to unplug or just to take better care of yourself?