Lifestyle | Living Slow
…during a pandemic.
We have much to be grateful for and we have much to mourn about. Globally, we’re going through a big thing. I hope our quiet moments are filled with prayers for others, near and far. That we are joyfully collecting moments that are packed with quality time, even if it feels like a lot of quality time. I hope that you are able to honor the hard moments with a fresh breath outdoors and give grace when the inevitable frustration peaks.
We are a routined people. Even if we don’t have a completely routined life we still have rhythms that we’re used to and they’ve been heavily uninterrupted. I hope that we refrain from turning deaf ears to the new activities that fill the day or situations that we’re usually able to keep busy through and that we’re leaning into the growth that it can offer.
I hope that we’re all praying for those who haven’t spent this much time at home in a long time. That we’re praying for those who are sick or who’s loved ones are sick. That we’re praying for those who can’t escape the articles or texts and are paralyzed in fear. I hope that we’re praying for those who are now sitting the in presence of their broken marriages and want to escape - that there is healing there. I hope that we’re praying for those who spend big but live paycheck to paycheck and are now dangerously overwhelmed. The reality is, there is a lot of space for people to sit in parts of our lives that we’ve never had to before… I’m praying blanket prayers for wellness and calm for the ones experiencing this. Because, whether we choose to see it or not, the struggles that are being experienced are not just for the hospitalized and it feels- it is heartbreaking.
And I hope for when we as a humankind conclude this chapter that we only return to what is good and healthy for us and ours and that we retain the life giving habits of a slower pace and more intentional living. To the hard and holy work this is serving us, we’re all in it together. Ixx-k