Taking care of my body and being very aware of what I’m putting on my skin, in my stomach as well as on or near our babe has become increasingly more important to me with age. Around the same time I met my now sister-in-law and she used oils for this and oils for that. We teased because, oils? That felt silly. But when YL products really started becoming a part of the rhythm my inner circle of friends, I did a lot of listening and even more watching and asked so many questions. For three years, I surveyed the land and my suspicious “is this the next MLM scheme?” kept me at bay. When we had Amos, I decided to move forward. I started with something called the premium starter kit and even then with reservation I tried one oil at a time and asked even more questions. One year later in addition to the initial three, I’m totally in. As a family we use oils regularly in our home. We diffuse, we wipe it on our feet when fevers creep up, we use it daily supporting our normal wellness and I clean with it every single day. For us, it’s not the ONLY thing we use in our home to make ourselves healthier or cleaner, however, it feels really good to know that we’re being constantly growing more aware of the care our bodies need and tending to it more often than just when there is a fever or a cough. We love that our home is clean and fresh without breathing in more toxins than what we do by way of living in the world.
Because I felt very overwhelmed by how much there is to know about essential oil products, I’ve created this page as a quick guide to the basics of essential oil knowledge as far as I wanted to know when I begun watching four years ago. It can feel very overwhelming but I’d encourage you to ask questions and know that if you do buy a starter kit YL supplies us with so much helpful information that it feels much less intimidating.
Pour yourself a cup of something delicious and if you have more questions, please submit them at the bottom!
What are
Essential oils?
Essential oils are the natural oils of a plant that come in a concentrated form after being carefully gathered through steam distillation, cold pressing or resin tapping.
Why buy Young Living when I can find Essential Oils at a fraction of the price from stores I trust?
When it comes to a product that comes from the earth that we’re putting on our skin or breathing through our air or cleaning our surfaces with it’s important to trust that what we’re buying isn’t altered for the sake of getting the more out of the product on the company’s end in the name of distribution. This brand of oils, Young Living, are never diluted with synthetics, cut with fillers or adulterated. They are 100% pure from the seed, in their growth, during harvest and in their distillation process. When it’s lands in my hands in our home, I don’t have to second guess what I’m putting on or in my family. It’s the leading Essential Oils brand for substantial reasons and just like I’d prefer to go to someone established in their practice when I need medical attention, I don’t take for granted that I can trust this companies due diligence and the product they’re putting forward before I use it on the ones I love the most.
If you’re like me and would like more resources to read through re: why you’re about to invest more on these than other oils, click here.
How Do I Use Them?
So many ways, topically, internally… Oils can be diffused into the air. Sometimes the mixtures that are being diffused offer support to our health and I do sometimes diffuse for the fragrance I know they’re also offering emotional/health support. You can dilute them with many different types of oils, each having their own benefit yet the recommended oils are each completely okay to use. You can make your oils last longer like this or when applying on our little ones it can be safer as the concentrate can be very potent. You can drop them in your bath with epsom salts to help your body detox and give your skin a little love or you can clean with them. The list goes on but this handful of options offer an easy place to start.
Do I have to sell Essential Oils if I buy them?
You sure don’t! But if you’re not working and want something to fill your time, working full time and want out with some more freedom or working part time and want to fill the gap, you’ll likely be tempted. As with anything you buy and love and recommend to the ones you love, this becomes a natural topic and when people start wanting to join in on the oils it’s unfolds. You’re never obligated to sell.
I feel unsure of where to start, what’s the best place to begin from?
100% the premium starter kit. There is enough in this package to get you started. You’ll inevitably have a few favorites that become your go-to items and others might sit for a while before you realize what you can use them for or fall in love with them. Easy Peasy!
I don’t want the starter kit, where should I start?
You can skip the starter kit and buy them individually for the regular price. There are two listed. One is for people who sign up with a heart to spread the word and the other is great if you’re just wanting to sample a few! I’d start with Thieves Cleaning Solution, Copaiba if I had a teething baby, bergamont as a woman for emotional balance support, the breath blend roller that YL makes for the men in our lives.
Karen, what are your favorite products from YL?
I’m a big fan of Neroli for balance and calming when I’m feeling stressed that I made into a roller blend and put on my wrists and the back of my neck before bed every night. I really love lemon and go through bottles of it, it’s a hearty cleaning item and removes stains that household cleaners do not. I love nutmeg for the fragrance. I love thieves cleaning solution tremendously. And we really am addicted to the KidScents lotion. I use it + my mom uses it and I don’t ever think twice about slathering it all over Amos. We love to diffuse lavender and gentle baby at night for A.
““When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”