Traveling to Germany + Prague | Things we loved as adults + Tips for International travel with an Infant
How good is that feeling when you click purchase for a flight that is headed across the pond? I mean truly, it's one of my all-time favorite, favorite feels. I love the anticipation of learning new things, I love the slight anxiety I get when I'm headed somewhere we don't share the same language, I love getting a little bit lost and then seeing something I recognize after only being some where for a few short hours. I love the food. I love the kind smiles of people in a different land and also kind of love the agitated grunts of the local who doesn't understand how you don't understand. While I don't love that my husband could be one of these, I love when people love where they are so much that they've never left. The rich history of Europe fascinates me. The ties to the "motherland" stop me in my tracks when something visually strikes a memory linked to somewhere I've done a bit of life at state side. It all reminds me that while there are so many remarkable things in America so many of them were inspired by something, somewhere in Europe.
The churches tower, the food is fragrant, the streets are handmade of cobblestone and while each piece feels painstaking to place, I actually pause to be thankful and thoughtful of what I'm walking upon. The alleys are romantic, the apartments hold thousands of stories which overflow into the walkways and the streetlamps feel as though they should be still filled with gas and lit nightly. I'm fascinated by the old and all of the while, new to me. I feel refreshed and my soul comes to life in a different way when these cultures are leaving their imprint on me. For the rest of my life, I pray my memory keeps each little detail locked in and to be recalled at a moment's notice.
We visited my husband's brother and family who live in Preist. It's a sweet, seriously small, village nestled into the farmlands of Germany. With open space just behind their beautiful home and tractors hard at work all around them, it's relaxing. It feels calm, calls you to slow down and be present.
We were visiting during November, for our Thanksgiving. There was a surprising amount of lush, greenery everywhere.
Notes on where we stayed and items we loved to travel with are mixed throughout the photos. I linked what I could!! If you have specific questions, please ask away.
This breath taking little village is what inspired our own town of Aspen in Colorado. This cafe took me back to Paris but with my husband instead of my best friend this time. I feel like my heart was going to explode during this day date with Justin and sweet baby A. We shared warm drinks, I took so many pictures and without cell service we just enjoyed one another. Take - Me - Back!
PRAGUE, Czech Republic
Our stop in Prague was a complete surprise from my husband. He is not a huge fan of travel at all but being married to me means there is a lot of it incorporated into his life. While we were in Garmish, he suggested we go explore a bit more and I promise, my heart melted. We walked around the sweet streets with Amos in his Boba wrap, nestled in warm and tight late into the night. We had some of the most incredible Italian food and soaked up all of the beautiful water views. It felt dreamy, so very dreamy.
Evening walks on Czech cobblestone pathways...
We stayed at the Mandarin Oriental in Prague and their fashion of hosting brought me to tears. When we walked in they realized we had a baby and they very naturally stalled us in the lobby with intentional questions. All of the while they were placing several baby boy essentials and a few sweet toys for him. He was tickled! I felt so cared for, so seen. They also brought us hot tea to help us unwind after a long day of travel. They made a customer for life. We'll be back, Mandarin.
This breakfast makes me feel calm. Amos grew sick for the first time while we were on this trip. Between his sickness and an eight-hour timezone change, while he did well, mama had some sleepless nights. This breakfast was enjoyed while Justin had Amos for an hour that morning. I just laid in bed and drank an entire pot of coffee, all of the food on my plate and every single pastry that was sent our way. Truly, we left this place feeling closer to one another, restored physically and looking forward to our next stay.
With Justin's brother, sister-in-law and all of their sweet babies we traveled through Bavaria. These views are stunning, the castles remarkable and the ones we traveled with, our favorites. No better company than family.
These views though.
Traveling with an infant? Here are some of the things we learned!
Amos was four months old for this trip and he was a champ. We had just run into the four-month sleep regression before we took off and I feel like the time zone switch x2 really shook him out of it. If you too are traveling with a baby, I'd recommend bringing a handful of familiar, easy to pack toys to make them feel at home. Try and keep up with your usual patterns from home in terms of routine, however, we did keep him out WAY past his bedtime for the sake of exploring. Life trumps schedule sometimes. We clicked straight into the timezone we were in....even when it meant waking up when we were tired (and skipping naps for us) or keeping him up when he wanted to sleep. It sounds mean but it helped his little bodies switch over fastest. I'd suggest having a wrap to wear the little one and bring it with you even when you have your stroller. Bring a stroller! Sometimes we're gone longer than we think and their bodies can get tired in their chairs and also the wraps can be tiring so the stroller is a must. Justin and I ate dinner late to make sure he'd sleep throughout our meals. If you're a nursing mama, before you leave for your trip practice feeding them while in a wrap. Trying several new activities is hard when their atmosphere is new and their timezone is new, mitigate the new for them. During long drives we paused and let him have breaks...Stretching, nursing, diaper change, a quick walk. It seemed to really help him. If you're traveling to meet someone, try and borrow or have them borrow baby items so that you can travel with less. If you're traveling and staying in resorts or hotels, just ask for product. You'll be surprised by the variety of baby items they have and include at no additional charge. Goo news, european airports cater to families. There is always a family lane for security, customs, boarding etc. Always look for it or listen for people to tell you where to go. It's normal there, no one will think you're being rude by cutting them. And of course, just enjoy. Go with the flow as needed. Their schedules will be off but they'll find comfort in you if you're relaxed they'll relax. Oh yes, and make sure you book a bassinet through your airliner, it's a life saver!!
There is so much to say about this trip but that's all for now! xx-k