Ian Lee | Lee Spirits + Brooklyns on Boulder

Ian Lee | Lee Spirits + Brooklyns on Boulder

This week we're hosting our Males & Cocktails event at the Barn. It's going to be a blast. We're honoring the men who we've featured on the blog thus far and the last few that will be posted over the next couple of weeks. A HUGE cheers goes out to Ian for helping to sponsor the party by way of their incredible Gin as well as curating the drink menu. Thank you, Ian.
Ian is one of these super smart, quick on his feet, mind works faster than his mouth can actually talk which is pretty remarkable if you've ever spent time with him while he's talking ideas. He's dedicated so much of his time, energy and willpower to making Lee Spirits into a game-changing piece for our downtown, our city. Ian could be anywhere doing the things and he's rooted here to help with the momentum that has been created in making it one of the top five most desireable cities to live in.
Justin and I have grown closer to Ian and his beautiful girlfriend, Nerissa, over the few years since I've been back and we're both so thankful for them. I'm thankful that I can bounce ideas and thoughts off of Ian and trust that he'll be upfront with a YES! or a, "...so what you should do is....." His heart is huge and his spirit is refreshing to be around. ALL of the energy, all of the heart. Love this guy! So happy to include him in this series. 


Q: "Whiskey or Bourbon?" - f+f
A: "Whiskey (laced with Gin)." -IL


Q: "What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?"- F+F
A: "Breakfast at Tiffany's or the newest version of the Great Gatsby." - IL

Q: "What part of your career keeps you coming back every day?" - F&F
A: "The desire to have normal people become inspired to buy my companies products on every continent on the earth (yes, I'll figure out how to get penguins to buy spirits someday)." - IL

Q: "What is one accomplishment that you're most proud of?" - F+F
A: "One of the things that starting Lee Spirits has allowed me to do is impact and support charities well beyond what I could have done by myself. Our staff takes pride in the work we do to support these charities, and I am proud that in addition to being a good place to work Lee Spirits helps them give back in more ways than they could do alone too." - IL


Q: "What would you NOT do for 1 million dollars?" - F+F
A: "Sell Lee Spirits, but $20M+? We can perhaps talk about that." - IL

Q: "Do you have a word or one big goal for 2018? Do you mind sharing either?" - F+F
A: "Global.  Everything we do think or touch at Lee Spirits this year is with the mindset of being a global brand. We aren't that yet, but we will be soon, and it takes each person, even me, to change my outlook and behavior and problem-solving approach to make that happen. That type of growth and change doesn't just happen at the office, it starts inside yourself, inside your daily walk first. Everything I do has to have this mindset of being bigger and better. To become a bigger and better Ian means that my team has a better chance and becoming bigger and better and therefore soon Lee Spirits will be a Global brand." -IL

Q: "How did you end up in your career?" - F+F
A: "Started out in Engineering, worked in that field for just about 10 yrs. Specifically as a systems engineer for communication systems. Hated the lack of tactical feedback that my use of creativity created, so I naturally yearned for and began looking for more. I got involved in some entrepreneurial groups in the rocky mountain region in an attempt to figure out what I wanted to do; which lead me to start a group in Colorado Springs (known as Peak Startup). That turned into starting a few different companies, all with varying amounts of success; nothing great though. Ultimately, over a cocktail, my cousin and I concluded that we wanted to change the way people thought of and consumed alcohol, to build products that were anchored in the past, but offered more for the future. You know, fluffy good will towards men kinda ideas that the drinks we consumed surely helped to make them sound epic. So, that very afternoon, Lee Spirits was born. With the belief that in everything we do, we'd challenge the status quo. To think differently, and not be bothered by the results of that. To challenge the status quo by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user-friendly. We just happen to make great Spirits." -IL

Ian, you set the bar high socially and in career and we all feel the positive benefits of these attributes. Thanks for your hard work, it's seen. -km

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