Finding that Rustic Scandinavian Style

Finding that Rustic Scandinavian Style

Blankets and Furs and Ceramics... Yes, please! 


If you've read along for any time you know that our wooden exterior and the grey, white and black interior makes me feel restful and thankful. The couple who built their lives here and built the actual walls of our life were mindful in the process and while it's actually the most simple of structures, where they chose to place windows and the size of them has my heart. I am thankful for the contrasted light I get to see every morning and the way that it moves throughout our home during the day. It leaves a taste of contrast in the evening for me to sink my eyes into by way of our bedroom around 6 pm and I look forward to it throughout my days. Maybe it's because I'm a photographer by trade or maybe it's because I chased the light on colder winter days for the sake of hot sunshine touching my skin as a child. However it is, it's good. 


We have white kitchen floors that collect the stories of our days. They collect the stories in the worst of ways with stains of blackberries and muddy paw prints, the markings of a dragged package or the perfectly clean spot from the wipe up on aisle, my life, because of the dropped egg at 7:15 AM. 


We have my left over futon from bachelorette days in our sitting room that IS in our living room? I'm confused. Anyway, it's draped with a hand woven blanket. You know, the very thick strands of wool where someone much cooler than I used her arms to hold the strands as her knitting needles moved quickly to form the pattern. Yes, one of those draped to kind of hide the back of the couch that screams HI I'M A FUTON. 


We have my dream couch that is also the bane of my existence set parallel and on the other side of the room from our wool draped futon. I love leather. We have some of that on a sibling of the Eams lounge chair. He is from the 60's and his leather is worn and beautiful but he was made in Canada and I can't be sure who made him. None-the-less, he's beside our cloud of a couch and adorning this sweet lamb footstool. I love this lamb footstool. 


Our home is forever being tweaked but never really changing. I love the idea of less is more and while sometimes it feels like we have much more than we started with I'm also still getting settled. We've chosen and added a few pieces over time. I imagine my kids will grow up around our dining table. I hope my grandkids eat at it too. I imagine our cloud couch will someday be put into a room for the kids to watch movies on with their friends and build forts with. I anticipate that our futon will in fact one day be replaced and while we imagine we will build new some day, I feel like I want to take my story telling white floors along with us. 


Our little home feels big for us in moments but because I love packing it full of everyone I know and love, small at others. It's just right though. I love the puzzle that it is and I've really enjoyed learning my taste over the years. I've learned that finding where you land on the vast option menu of styles takes time. It's trial and error and just like anything else, it's important to be sure footed in the process. I used to buy the things because someone else loved this or that.. Now I only buy when I'm certain I can see myself using it over and over, leaving it out for anyone to see or no one to see and when I'm positive the cost per use will in fact make it even more worth while one day. It doesn't have to be new and I don't need it to have a story, it just needs to weave in well with our heart for warm cleanliness and lots of entertaining. And no matter what "they" tell you, if you love whites and creams and blacks and greys, it's okay. It can work, even with babes around.


What is your favorite piece in your home? Share with me in the comments... I love knowing these things. Or what is your favorite part of going to someone else's home? xx- k

Featured Items:
Lamb + Sheep Footstool from @hyggelife
Paper Canvas bag that Fiddle leaf Fig Lives in, linked here.
Plant Dyed (including Avocado Pit) dyed Pillows on couch, linked here.

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