An Oil a Day | Essential Oils that I love
Hi, my name is Karen and I’m starting to believe in the use of essential oils. I watched everything my friends posted for about three years before I used my first “oil” product and even then it wasn’t a single oil, it was a cleaner. Anyway, fast forward a year+ and I still get very overwhelmed by what to use when and who can do what and why I “need” this. But I love easy reads that aren’t overwhelming to comprehend and that aren’t mixed in with sales, so I thought I’d share what I’ve learned along the way but in small bits at a time. Here are my first few things that are my default loves and the only things I actually feel confident sharing.
When Amos is teething, (since 4 months) I rub Copaiba oil (which is like fun game trying to figure out how to say especially in public to a stranger you’re trying to help) directly on his gums. I did this for about 2 months before my friend was horrified that I hadn’t tried it on my own yet and told me as a parent I should try everything before my kids try it. Cool cool. I tried it right when I returned home, and yes as expected, it numbed my mouth. I love it because I can use as much as I want (not sure if that’s recommended but hi, here I am) and Amos opens his mouth for it + hands me the bottle when he’s in the rough of teething.
I have a love/hate with Lavender oil being diffused but it is actually calming and I do feel like Amos soothes to sleep with it. When he was really little he had awful congestion and we tried everything. This oil is 100% the reason I bought a kit and we all three kind of feel like it’s a security blanket.. primarily when Amos was under six months. Recently I’ve started mixing it with Avo Oil and rubbing it on Amos’ spine just before naps. He loves. Legit nestles in and falls asleep.
Lemon oil super cleans things. For example, just a hypothetical, say you’re having a party and you spill and break an entire glass of red whine, I mean wine, on your choice WHITE, wooden floor that you didn’t allow to be painted the appropriate amount of times for aesthetic and it actually stains the floor and persay you panic. Don’t.. because lemon oil will take it out.
My last fun fact for the day. I really like cleaning the house. I mean it’s not that I like it always but I do it. Out of routine or out of keeping things tidy in case anyone comes by but also so that I’m not bogged down by 25 more things, I like to clean. Once I had Amos (thanks for changing everything, Amos) while I LOVE strong cleaners (the smell of bleach is welcomed in my heart) I was very paranoid about everything and so natural cleaners became a part of my daily, 5x daily, routine of cleaning and here I am with all of these damn glass jars of thieves with water. Oh, how I never thought I’d use these things. But they work really well and I like that Amos can drop something on the floor and eat it even if it just touched wet cleaner and it’s fine. I like that he can play in the cabinet under the sink and pull out all of my cleaners and he’s not risking his internal organs or life and I like that the bottles look pretty and I can just refill them without going to the store. I still hold Mrs. Myers soap close to my heart but it’s used on my hands instead of everything.
I’d love to learn from you… what are your favorite healthy hacks for remedy of body and home? If you use oils or if you don’t what do you love? Please leave some comments so that anyone else who wants to can learn also. xx-l
Our open shelving was handmade by Justin of walnut from my Great Aunts property in Swink, Colorado. The wooden backing was placed by Justin and his Dad from an old barn in Tennessee.